During the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of December, the consortium from ‘’One Love One Drum: Drumming for Inclusion’’ project gathered in Braga for the final event of the project.

The event took place in the city center of Braga (Praça da República), in the very busy Christmas square promoted by the Municipality of Braga, which led to a great visibility of the project and the project results. As this was a great celebration for the Batalá Mundo Network, we invited directors and members from the various band of our network who gladly joined the celebration and are also future beneficiaries of the results of the project. Together with us, we had members from Batalá London, Portsmouth, Paris, Badajoz, Austria, Athens, Braga and also the creator and head of the whole Batalá project in the world – Mestre Giba Gonçalves – who opened the event with a speech regarding the project impact for the future of the network.

The presentation highlighted firstly the stages of the project, how it all started and how it developed. From there, we presented the achievements of the project: The digital platform for collaboration, the drumming for inclusion blog of good practices, the conversion of the discography from Batalá into the digital platforms and the most anticipated outcome: the online drumming lessons recorded in Athens, Greece.
The event closed with a parade uniting all the members from all the bands and taking all the spectators from the square up until the city center, gathering more and more followers on the way, giving more visibility to the project and the movement.